Past Christmases involved gathering as family Christmas Eve at my parent’s place. Dad would read the Christmas story; we’d sing several songs. A gift exchange would follow. A delicious spread of appetizers and desserts would complete our evening together. Christmas Day we would have a formal festive meal.
Like the rest of the world this Christmas had elements of change. Our little family spent Christmas Day working at our new home. (We’ve been building this past year and need to be moved by the end of January.) Meals were leftovers or whatever we could scrounge quickly!
My kind, generous mother offered to make ham and turkey for everyone’s Christmas meal the day after Christmas. (My amazing sister is an RN and worked Christmas Day thus the late celebration.) What is better than curbside pickup from your mom’s kitchen? I made sides to accompany the delicious entrees provided.

Spiraled ham, deviled turkey, roasted sweet potato rounds, sautéed green beans, low carb stuffing and cheddar biscuits was our main course. Dessert was epic! I was on a quest to recreate past favorite holiday flavors. I made my current favorite chocolate cake (replaced the eggs with chia eggs) that is free of all the things. I made a decadent filling with cream cheese, whipped cream, vanilla, a few drops of LORANN peppermint oil, a pinch of xanthan gum and sweetened with stevia. A ganache made with Lily’s white chocolate chips was drizzled over the filling. I garnished the top with crushed SF peppermint candies. This cake was dreamy and perfect with a cup of coffee.

Sharing simple everyday joys together matters to me. I’m grateful I get to call these peeps my family! Though Christmas held elements of disappointment I’m grateful we’re together, well and safe.