
I’m a follower of Jesus and deeply thankful for salvation.

I’m married to Eric Hershberger, my beloved friend on this earth. I’m grateful to God for bringing us together.

We were wed in June of 2012 and love sharing life. Our promise to each other, “to care for one another through all the blessings and uncertainties of life” has taken on new meaning. My health declined significantly in 2013. Eric has stayed by me, loved me, and treasured me through it all. While our relationship isn’t without difficulty, particularly in learning to live with limitations, it’s become a safe place, a refuge.

I’m learning that life is about loving and embracing the moments that we are given. Each breath I breathe is a gift from God.

I do enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. I’ve learned , am working at being creative with food restrictions. Gluten, dairy, eggs and mammalian meats are the biggies I avoid. We also have chosen to eat the Trim Healthy Mamma (THM) way as much as we’re able. I do make THM foods for my man that contain items I avoid. I plan to share some of our favorite recipes here.

My prayer is to inspire and encourage. I believe there is purpose in pain and struggle and yes, even food, and environmental allergies. I’ve had people come alongside me and encourage me during these challenges and that’s what I desire to do for others. Ultimately, we don’t know what our tomorrow may hold or where our journey may take us but we do know Who holds our tomorrow and Who is guiding our every step.