I recently heard a sermon preached by Lael Barkman on the Kingdom of God. He noted that our relationship with God is what it is.
I’ve always known that the christian life involves a willingness to participate with Jesus: talking with Him, reading His word, and being open to His Spirit speaking. However, I’ve too often just expected my relationship with Him to happen without earnestly seeking Him above all else. The reality of this truth burned deep within my heart. Frequently throughout this week the verse in Matthew 6:33 has been impressed upon me:
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” NLT
Notice that first we are called to seek the Kingdom of God. Later in the verse we are promised that God will provide for our needs; however, it first requires action on our part. I confess that I’ve often wanted God’s blessing & provision without first seeking.
God, help me seek You above all else today. Help me not to get so focused on the things of this earth that I forget what is eternal. Show me how to live with this perspective and give me more desire to seek you earnestly.
Blessings on this Wednesday!