I was homeward bound the other evening when a thought crossed my mind. The resulting blur of tears made it difficult to focus on the road ahead.
The thought was, “I don’t know if I can keep doing this!”
I’m sure there have been times in your life when you’ve had similar thoughts. Perhaps it stung way down deep in your soul.
There are many days when I ache for physical wholeness. I wish I wouldn’t have to give careful thought to finding something safe for breakfast as I consciously think through a rotation to avoid reacting to more foods. I sometimes get wistful remembering old times when I’d chat with a friend at Starbucks over coffee. I find myself looking out my kitchen window trying to visualize the picturesque view my friend had in Chile. I remember all the things I loved about traveling. I plead with God to please help me find joy within the four walls of our home.
A wise friend told me recently, “You can’t focus on what has been taken from you; you must focus on the things that you still have!” I realize how true this is.
Here’s a glimpse into the happy places of my life:

The song, On My Way Home penned by Jim Brady has resonated deep within my heart. “I’m only passing through on my way home. Heaven is the place where I belong. More than just a feeling or a dream. A land beyond the stars is calling me. When the Savior comes for me I’ll go, to live forever finally at home. ”
The loss, the ache in our hearts reminds us of what we were truly made for- Heaven, a place of perfection. The place where we will see Jesus face to face!
Family photos by Eldon Yoder.